

时间:2016年12月16日(星期五) 14:30


报告题目: 人工智能借小冰一双慧眼

演 讲 人: 梅 涛 博 士 (微软亚洲研究院资深研究员)


报告时间:2016年12月16日 (星期五) 下午14:30


Abstract: Since computer vision was founded in 1960s, researchers have been dreaming of enabling a machine to describe what it sees. Recent development of deep learning has significantly boosted computer vision research. It was said that computer vision now has almost a 5-year-old human visual system. This capability has great potential to enable the natural conversation between human and computer. In this talk, we will briefly retrospect a few milestones in computer vision over the past 50 years, describe how computer vision empowers Microsoft Chatbot (“XiaoIce” 微软小冰) with all-seeing eyes, and showcase our recent research on video to language.


Tao Mei is a Senior Researcher with Microsoft Research Asia. His current research interests include multimedia analysisand computer vision. He has authored over 100 papers,with 5,000+ citations and 10 best paper awards. He holds 17 U.S. granted patents and has shipped a dozen inventions and technologies to Microsoft products and services. He is an Editorial Board Member of IEEE Trans. on Multimedia and ACM Trans. on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications. He is the General Co-chair of ACM ICIMCS 2013, the Program Co-chair of ACM Multimedia 2018, IEEE ICME 2015, IEEE MMSP 2015 and MMM 2013, and the Area Chair for a dozen international conferences.Tao received B.E. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, in 2001 and 2006, respectively. He is a Fellow of IAPR and a Distinguished Scientist of ACM.

梅涛博士,微软亚洲研究院资深研究员,国际模式识别学会会士,国际计算机协会杰出科学家,中国科技大学和中山大学兼职教授博导。主要研究兴趣为多媒体分析和计算机视觉,发表论文100余篇,先后10次荣获最佳论文奖,拥有17项美国专利,其研究成果多次被转化到微软的产品和服务中。在微软亚洲研究院期间,先后指导了来自全球的80多名实习生,并培养了四位微软学者。他目前同时担任IEEE和ACM多媒体汇刊的编委(IEEE TMM和ACM TOMM),并且是多个国际多媒体会议的大会主席和程序委员会主席。他分别于2001年和2006年在中国科技大学获学士和博士学位。

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